Today I want to share a TEDx Talks presentation by a developmental optometrist on the subject of Vision Problems. Titled, “Overlooking Our Vision,” he provides a very succinct explanation of how poor vision skills can kill a desire to learn. The video speaks for itself, but I would like to highlight a quote from a 52 year old patient who had suffered from vision problems his entire life:
“I used to think I didn’t like to read because I was stupid. Now I realize it was a problem with my eyes.”
In my own practice, I see adults who have expressed this exact same emotion. I feel it is important to point out, because these adults didn’t need to suffer. If their condition had been diagnosed and treated when they were in school, life would have been much easier.
I hope you will find this short video presentation as interesting and valuable as I did.
Best wishes to you for a happy and healthy 2015,
Dennis R. Cantwell